Monday, June 2, 2008

Mabuhay! Welcome to The Philippines!

So... *small sigh*... so, here I am. Where? In the Philippines. What I'm doing here? Basically got back to the basics of advanced academic institutionalisation, a.k.a. studying to obtain my degree. Yeah, the last line before that didn't make sense so I thought one of you might be choking a little. It's almost that time of the year where the mad rush to enroll and enlist subjects and courses is about to start and it may end abruptly cos the timeline is so short. Needless to say, I've had my fair share of experiencing the rush of signing-up and keeping up with the deadlines and it's been surreal thusfar. Some of you may have thought I was already enrolled but it doesn't work that way here. Foreign students are allocated certain dates and times of the year for them to register as a regular student, and that's usually the first semester (June) of the school year. And like myself, I'm finding it a little more than troublesome getting used to a completely different bureaucracy but heck, it's all part and parcel of living the student's life here innit? :)

For now, I haven't even gotten my student number yet, but as soon as I do, it's more running around for me (signing up for subjects, getting signatures here and there, etc...). The more I think about it the less I worry about what I have to do next cos going with the flow as long as you don't go too slow kinda works here. Nevertheless, one can't be too careful with the slightly more liberal culture and philosophies that are practiced here but I can't help imagining what that might be like. *Hmm...*

Most foreigners have likened the Filipino culture to the French; sensitive, less outspoken, but willing to give anyone the benefit of a doubt... seems to me that I've got some 'softening' to do on my part. It's not that I mind it at all, it's just a matter of perspective. Helpful, accommodating, friendly - some of the common attitudes found among these lovely people; I think I might just get used to living here for the moment.

In case you're wondering why the blog name suggests a certain redundancy... well it DOES! Just goes to show how much I've actually missed writing (ranting) on and on about stuff I don't figure out about much... (there he goes again). In any case, I'm running out of time for now but I'll be back posting here as often as I can. Maybe next time I'll be kind enough to add some pics along with the bombardment of words and rhetorics in each post.

Til next time, see ya sucka's!!! ;)

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