Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It's raining again! Raining like a bitch!! I don't wanna go to class!!!

Class is at 1pm by the way and I'm about half an hour from getting my ass canned... sigh...

This sucks... hope something will cheer me up when I get back home later... and no, I don't mean a naked Monica Bellucci covered in baby oil... (that works too actually...)

I'm still here... it's no use... the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that this is what I wanna do. Just give me a blunt and I can make up my mind faster than a second of celluloid in a projector.

Nope... still here. Not working. It's fuckin freakin me out that I'm trying to write in an incoherent line of nonsense.

Yeah... that's what it's all about isn't it?

Crap, now I'm thinking about the pangs in my gut. Rice? Burgers? Or should I just let my pain remind me that there's a bigger cause to fight for? It's coming again.

Four...or was is third time's a charm?

Now my single-inverted comma is screwed... it is so not cool.

Gotta run... yeah... better go now... 20 mins left... still raining hard.
